Facility Rules:
Respecting the space.
Students: Please remove shoes at the door
Please do not touch the weapons without permission.
Do not be late for classes.
Do not leave belongings in walkways,
on benches, etc.
No smoking or alcohol in the dojo.
Keep the changing rooms and bathroom clean.
No food in the dojo (see instructor for snack exceptions - ex: yogurt, granola bars, etc. are okay)
For children's safety:
No running on the wood floors.
Entering and exiting the dojo
Optional bow, standing at the entrance, facing the dojo or towards the front of the dojo, whether you are entering or exiting the dojo. Remove shoes and carry them to a cubby in the back. Change into soft indoor tabi or wear socks.
Come in early to stretch before class.
If you are late, do your push-ups.
Do not be late. (Once in a while is of course ok for traffic, etc). If you are late, bow in, do your push-ups and ask the instructor to join the class.
A few minutes before the bell, line up according to rank. If you have the same rank, line up as to who was at the dojo first. Lead student will bring the class to attention. "Sensei ni Rei" means, please salute the teacher. "Onegaishimasu" means "please assist me".
"Domo arigato" means "thank you".
Memorize and say the student creed, loudly and proudly.
Know a mindul action tenet for each colored belt rank.
Do not wear jewelry, watches, Fitbit, etc. while training.
Keep your curriculum and notebooks at the edge of the mats. Take good notes after class.
If you ever need to leave a class early, let the instructor know beforehand.
Do not hesitate to ask senior students (Senpai) and Instructors (Sensei) for help before or after class. This is your dojo family.
Treat everyone and everything with respect and dignity.