The Dojo is an empowering Martial Arts school in beautiful Mason, Ohio.
If you have always wanted to try non-sport martial arts, this is the place to practice and learn the powerful Japanese defenses of the Samurai and Ninja.
All body types are welcome. No experience is necessary to begin your journey.
Call 513-770-0834 or email
to inquire about booking your first class.
Join us for new classes at the dojo.
All experience levels are welcome.
1/20 - Monday full classes and Black Belts at 7:00 PM
1/21 - Tuesday Tenchijin Class at 6:00 PM - Classical Chart Study - Biken - Hidden Sword (open to all levels)
1/21- Tuesday Weapons Class at 7:00 PM - Another classical Kukishin Ryu spear drill to develop dexterity and skill with a polearm.
1/22 - Wednesday Classical Budo class at 7:00 PM Koto Ryu Technique practice (open to all levels)
1/23 - Thursday full classes and Black Belts at 7
1/25 - Saturday Full classes. BBC Class at Noon. Randori Class at 1
2/1 - Celebration for Emilio 9-1 - casual at the dojo
2/1 - Natalie and Cole's engagement celebration at Santiago's house at 2:00 PM
Begin this new year with a new and stronger you
Youth Class 5.00-6:00 PM | Youth Class 5.00-6:00 PM | Youth Class 5.00-6:00 PM | Youth Class 5.00-6:00 | Closed | Youth Class 10:00 AM | Closed |
Adults Class 6:00-7:00 PM | Tenchijin Basics All Levels Class 6:00-7:00 PM | Adults Class 6:00-7:00 PM | Adults Class 6:00-7:00 | Closed | Adult Class 11:00 AM | Closed |
Black Belts Class 7:00-8:00 PM | Taijutsu with Weapons Class 7:00-8:00 PM | Classical Budō Class 7:00-8:00 PM | Black Belts Class 7:00-8:00 | Closed | Black Belt Club Noon-1:00 PM | Closed |
Closed | Jan 25th Randori Class 1:00-2:00 PM | Closed |
Basic Tuition covers up to 3 classes per week (up to 12x per month). Bonus: The basic plan also includes the Tuesdays Tenchijin fundamentals class
The Dojo's Unlimited Classes Package (ask for details) covers all self-defense class options, Tuesday Tenchijin classes, Tuesday Weapons classes and Wednesday Historical Budō Samurai classes
Beginner Basics and Fundamentals. Self-Protection practice for all body types.
Martial Arts Classes
Ages 6-95
Counts as one class credit
Mon-Thurs and Saturdays
Nine lineages of Samurai and Ninja philosophy and fighting techniques to learn with us.
Open to all levels
Counts as one blue class credit
Wednesdays@ 7:00 PM
(See the above schedule for the weekly topics)
Join us for the History and Weaponry of both the Samurai and the Ninja.
Counts as one red class credit
Tuesdays @7:00 PM
Learn the basics of all Martial Arts: strikes, kicks, throws, chokes, joint locks, and historical Koryu principles.
Open to all levels
Counts a one class credit.
Tuesdays @ 6:00 PM
Students learn some ground-defense strategies.
Damir defends from the ground in a recent youth martial arts class.
There are no rules.
This is not a sport martial art.
Teach your kids how to protect themselves.
Start your journey today. The white belt is one of the hardest to earn because you have to come in and actually commit to your practice.
Learn the amazing art of Budo
Practice how to prepare and be strong enough and ready to defend yourself
Young martial artists are more respectful, humble, and mentally prepared for life.
Accomplishing a new goal (i.e. a belt rank) takes time and patience. These are great qualities for our youth to learn about.
"When you truly earn it, it just feels better."
John practices using a Ninjutsu reverse-grip sword technique against attackers
Youth students discussing anti-bullying options for school
Although we always teach the students about non-violence and avoidance, first - there are times when it might be used to save your life or defend it.
Using proper body alignment for defensive power to knock back polearm attacks.
Teaching powerfully precise (yet peaceful) restraint techniques for effective self-defense.
Learning to use distance, the lawful voice, and techniques to stay safe.
The Dojo's style of Budo Taijutsu is respected, worldwide because of its depth and effectiveness.
The Dojo teaches everything about self-protection. This is the place to learn new skills, have fun, and improve one's quality of life.
Take the opportunity to become a part of the action
Budo entails so much depth. It focuses on non-sport, realistic techniques and self-protection principles for the modern world. If you are nervous about starting, don't worry. It is our job to help you. From your first class you will be assisted by teachers and new friends.
Whether you're interested in our programs for mental or physical well being, The Dojo offers a number of classes that will fit your personal needs and schedule.
• Family discounts - 20% off the second member. 50% off third family member. Ask about our Military/Fire/Paramedic/Law Enforcement Cardholder 10% off training discounts.
• No hidden fees. No contracts. No extra equipment to buy.
• Flat Monthly tuition covers up to 12 classes per month to fit your schedule. The Dojo also offers unlimited class options for the committed practitioners
Want to learn samurai and ninja weapons? The Dojo teaches those as well, every Tuesday. There are so many exciting subjects to practice and master.
In a safe, traditional environment, students train in the un-armed combat methods of classical striking, kicking, jujutsu and samurai weaponry.
The primary goal of the dojo practitioner is self-protection and to develop an understanding of natural movement and response to all that they do; to be non-forceful and to use strategy, distancing and timing to overcome any opponent.
You will understand the true elements of classical Japanese warrior craft and history. The classes are motivating and physical, where everyone walks away with a stronger sense of purpose and an appreciation for life.
Call 513-770-0834 to schedule your first class.