A black belt student blocks a fast sword attack using Taijutsu (Body skills)
This popular, weekly group class is open to all levels from Beginners to “Old Pros”. We will practice martial arts unarmed battle-tested techniques and various weaponry (swords, staffs, knife, chain, polearms, throwing stars, sticks, household items, etc.) in order to be fully prepared for anything that the environment offers us out there on the street.
Have you ever rolled your eyes at someone who thought that they were a master of weapons because they watched a few movies or watched a few You Tube videos? You can be one of the few who doesn't just talk the talk, but actually walks the walk.
This special class, open to all adults and youth students, is designed for the serious practitioner who wishes to master the many, cool tools of the samurai, ninja, and the modern defender.
Most Martial Arts dojos pressure you into buying hundreds of dollars of equipment and weapons. Here at The Dojo, students may borrow safe training tools for each class at no extra cost.
Just add on $20 to your regular tuition per month (4 extra weapons classes)
Below is a list of Budo weaponry taught at The Dojo
Bo 棒 (Staff)
Jo 杖 (Stick)
Hanbo 半 棒 (Half Staff)
Naginata 薙 刀 (Polearms)
Yari 槍 (Spear)
Tachi 太刀 (Long Sword)
Katana 刀 (Sword)
Wakizashi 脇 差 (Side Sword)
Tanto 短 刀 (Small Sword)
Kusari Fundo 鎖 分 銅 (Weighted Chain)
Sai 釵 (Truncheon)
Shuko 手 鉤 (Hand Hooks)
Shuriken 手 裏 剣 (Small Throwing Blades)
Jutte 十 手 (Samurai Truncheon)
Kunai 苦 無 (muli-purpose spade)
Yawara 柔 (Short Stick)
Police Baton
Everyday tools such as a cell phone or keys
Weapons techniques
every Tuesday at 7:00 PM.
Open to all members.
Sensei Norcross 'quickdraws'
his katana to defeat
from underneath the attack.
Training outdoors with the Rokushakubo
The Dojo is a great environment of positive learning and interesting
martial practice.
Weapons Training
Jo vs. Sword
Using the Hanbo as a Sword.
With lots of practice, each weapon can transform into another - depending on the needs of the wielder.
Learn over fifteen types of Samurai and Ninja Weapons
taught at The Dojo.
Learn the arts of the samurai sword.
One of our most popular and intense classes.
The Dojo takes pride in the skillful transmission of Traditional Japanese martial arts (Budo). Students have the opportunity to learn and become proficient in one or several of the following nine Japanese Traditions of specialized martial study:
Togakure-ryū Ninpō Taijutsu (戸隠流忍法体術)
Gyokko-ryū Kosshi jutsu (玉虎流骨指術)
Kuki Shinden Happō Bikenjutsu (九鬼神伝流八法秘剣術)
Koto Ryū Koppō jutsu (虎倒流骨法術)
Shinden Fudo Ryū Dakentai jutsu (神伝不動流打拳体術)
Takagi Yoshin Ryū Jūtai jutsu (高木揚心流柔体術)
Gikan Ryū Koppō jutsu (義鑑流骨法術)
Gyokushin-ryū Ryū Ninpō (玉心流忍法)
Kumogakure Ryū Ninpō (雲隠流忍法)
Our traditions span back over a thousand years. They are time and battlefield-tested to give us the powerful tools that we need to be effective modern-day protectors of ourselves, our families, and our communities.
Join us and supercharge your training.
"Mr, Norcross is a highly respected scholar of Martial Arts. Do not miss the chance to experience his depth of knowledge." - K. Smith
"Sensei Norcross inspires his students peerlessly in his depth of knowledge in all things ninja and samurai." - John D.
It is a fact that those who also make the effort to attend the weekly Budo and Weapons classes tend to become our future Instructors.
Just add on $20 to your regular tuition per month (up to 4 classes)
Wednesday Budo Classical Samurai Class at 7:00 PM (open to all levels)
The Roots of the Nine Traditions
Perhaps the most important class of the week?
Sensei Todd Ryotoshi Norcross
talking with
Soke Masaaki Hatsumi
34th Grandmaster of Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu in Japan.
Sensei Norcross training in Japan with Koto Ryu Soke
Yukio Noguchi
Learn the secrets of the samurai, every Wednesday at 7:00 PM
Sensei Norcross shows a Wednesday night Budo class how to disassemble and clean samurai swords.
Each group got to carefully take apart a sword for themselves.
Wednesday night Budo classes focus strongly on the martial history, details, classical techniques and the culture surrounding the samurai and ninja.
These are fascinating hours of quality time.
Scan the QC code with your phone camera for the dojo's learning center subscription link